Thursday, April 18, 2019
Marijuana Penalties under Florida Law
An attorney based in Fort Myers, Derek Tyler provides Florida clients with experienced representation in cases spanning juvenile delinquency, domestic violence, and other criminal charges. Attorney Derek Tyler also has extensive knowledge of drug crimes and provides Florida defense support designed to obtain clients the best possible results.
Drug crimes in Florida have some of the harshest penalties in the United States. While numerous states have legalized or decriminalized the possession of marijuana for medical and recreational uses, Florida is not one of them. In a 2014 vote, 58 percent of Floridians voted in favor of medical marijuana legalization, just short of the 60 percent required for initiative passage.
At the present, marijuana-related charges, including sale or possession of bongs and rolling papers, can bring jail time and fines of up to $5,000, as well as loss of business, job, or driver’s license. In cases of “intent to sell,” the potential fine reaches $200,000 and the maximum prison term is 30 years.
Given these severe penalties, it makes sense for a person charged with a related crime to work with an attorney experienced in defense strategies such as police entrapment, as well as Fourth Amendment rights violations involving unconstitutional search and seizure.